Web services

Article 11 of Spanish Law 14/2010, dated July the 5th, on Infrastructures and Geographic Information Services in Spain (LISIGE), establishes the following types of geographic information services:

  • Discovery or catalog services (CSW), which make it possible to search geographic datasets and geographic information services, starting from the corresponding metadata to display their contents.
  • Display services (WMS), which allow, at least, to display, navigate, zoom in or out to detail or enlarge the field of view, move or superimpose geographic data, as well as to display conventional signs and, optionally, to query the attributes of geographic data; it shall be possible to access these display services directly from the location services.
  • Download services (WFS, WCS), allowing to generate copies of geographic data, or parts of them, and, where possible, to directly access their content to build value-added services or to integrate them into the logic of user applications.
  • Transformation services (WCTS), which allow the adaptation of geographic data to ensure their interoperability. They allow the transformation of INSPIRE data from one reference system to another. WCTS are useful when diverse data sources are used.
  • Geospatial Process Publishing Services (WPS) provide a generic access interface to the above services. WPSs can provide any type of GIS functionality over the Web.

There is a directory of services in the Geoportal of the IDEE project, which lists the addresses of Web Services (OGC, OSGEO) available in Spain, at in the national, regional and local levels, as well as the rest of the world.

IdeIHM INSPIRE services included in the Official Catalogue of INSPIRE Data and Services (CODSI) are listed below according to their INSPIRE theme:

  • Administrative Units.- Display and download services of Maritime Boundaries published in official documents (Agreements, Royal Decrees,…), including: Straight Baselines declared by the Kingdom of Spain; Territorial Sea Boundary and Contiguous Zone agreed between France and Spain in the Bay of Biscay; Continental Shelf boundaries in the Bay of Biscay agreed by France and Spain, Continental Shelf boundaries agreed by Spain and Italy in the Mediterranean Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone boundaries in the Mediterranean Sea declared by the Kingdom of Spain. Each layer has the name, title and style established by Inspire. The following geographical objects of the Administrative Units (Maritime Units) theme are accessible: Baseline and MaritimeBoundary. WMS 1.3.0 display service conforming to the Inspire profile of ISO 19128:2005 and Inspire direct download service conforming to ISO 19142 Web Feature Service and ISO 19143 Filter Encoding.
URL of the WMS and WFS services of the Maritime Boundaries of the Kingdom of Spain (INSPIRE). 
  • Hydrography – Display and download services of the Spanish coastline (in the INSPIRE Hydrography theme) extracted from the electronic nautical charts of navigation purposes 4 and 5 including: continuous high tide coastline; man-made features on the coastline (extracted from the previous one and dashed). The following geographical objects are accessible: LandWaterBoundary, ShorelineConstructions and Shore. WMS 1.3.0 display service conforming to the Inspire profile of ISO 19128:2005 and Inspire direct download service conforming to ISO 19142 Web Feature Service and ISO 19143 Filter Encoding.
URL of the WMS and WFS services of the Coastline of the Kingdom of Spain (INSPIRE Hydrography).
  • Sea Regions – Display service showing the Spanish coastline extracted from electronic nautical charts of navigation purposes 4 and 5 including: set of segments forming the coastline at continuous high tide (coastline); set of segments forming the shoreline (shoreline), shoresegment (shoresegment) and the intertidal zone (intertidalarea). WMS 1.3.0 display service conforming to ISO 19128:2005 Inspire profile and Inspire direct download service conforming to ISO 19142 Web Feature Service and ISO 19143 Filter Encoding.
URL of the WMS and WFS services of the Coastline of the Kingdom of Spain (INSPIRE Sea Regions).

IdeIHM services, which are included in the IDEE directory of services to which they belong, are listed below: 

  • Electronic Navigational Charts WMS Service.- Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) display service of the Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina (IHM) of the Reino de España, includes information from ENC’s PT221101, PT324205 and PT324206 provided by the Hydrographic Institute of Portugal (outdated). Based on WMS ChartServer 5 developed by SevenCs. Additional information can be obtained (GetFeatureInfo). It is available in a semi-cached version. This service is not valid for navigation and serves as a base map for the “IHM Información Náutica” mobile application published by the IHM.
https://ideihm.covam.es/ihmcache/wmts (cached)
  • Hydrographic Vertical Reference Surface WMS/WCS.-  Raster visualization and download of the Hydrographic Vertical Reference Surface (SRVH), a model that represents at each point on the terrain, the separation between the ellipsoid (or another reference surface such as the geoid) and the hydrographic zero, both on the coast and towards the sea. To develop the model, time series from 1999 to 2017 with a spatial resolution of 1′ from data from the COPERNICUS IBIre model, tide stations of the national territory, measurements of ellipsoidal heights from 110 tide stations, and dynamic topography have been used. average (TDM: height of the mean sea level with respect to the EGM2008-REDNAP geoid).
  • Nautical Chart WMS services (Outdated).- These services allow the display of geographic data included in the official nautical cartography produced by the IHM. The data used come from the different navigation purposes of the electronic nautical charts (ENC) currently produced. The symbols used for their representation coincides with the simplified symbols of IHO publication S-52 (IHO ECDIS Presentation Library). The S-57 objects indicated as standard type information in publication S-52 have been included, with the addition of depths and obstructions. Additional information (GetFeatureInfo) can be obtained in the Lights (LIGHTS) and Wrecks (WRECKS) layers.
Nautical Chart WMS service URL
  • WMS/WFS of the coastline – This service allows the display and download of the Spanish coastline included in the official nautical cartography. Information at the best available resolution from Electronic Nautical Charts of purposes 4 and 5 has been used for this product. Also available for download, in SHAPEFILE format, from the CNIG Download Center (https://centrodedescargas.cnig.es)
https://ideihm.covam.es/wms/costaspain (WMS)
https://ideihm.covam.es/wfs/costaspain (WFS)

DOWNLOAD link of the coastline in SHAPE format.

  • WMS/WFS Lights and Fog Signals – This service allows the display, download and access to data on existing maritime signals data in the publications “List of Lights and Maritime Signals, Parts I and II”.
https://ideihm.covam.es/wms/lucesIHM (WMS)
https://ideihm.covam.es/wfs/lucesIHM (WFS)
DOWNLOAD link of the Lights and Fog Signals in SHAPE format
  • WMS/WFS Paper Nautical Chart Scheme – This service allows the display and download of the boundaries of the paper Nautical Charts listed in the Nautical Chart Catalogue. Depending on scale and navigational purpose, they are divided into: OVERVIEW, GENERAL, HARROWING, COASTAL, APPROACH, HARBOUR and LEISURE
https://ideihm.covam.es/wms/catalogoPapel (WMS)
https://ideihm.covam.es/wfs/catalogoPapel (WFS)
DOWNLOAD link of Paper Nautical Chart Scheme in SHAPE format
DOWNLOAD linf of Leisure Chart scheme in SHAPE format
  • WMS/WFS ENC Chart Scheme – This service allows the display and download of the boundaries of all ENCs listed in the Nautical Chart Catalogue. Depending on navigational purpose, they are divided into: GENERAL (2), COASTAL (3), APPROACH (4), and HARBOUR (5).
https://ideihm.covam.es/wms/catalogoENC (WMS)
https://ideihm.covam.es/wfs/catalogoENC (WFS)
DOWNLOAD link of the ENC Chart Scheme in SHAPE format
  • WMS/WFS Maritime Boundaries – This service allows, on the one hand, the display and download of straight baselines (LBR) currently in force (RD 2510/1977 dated August 5th), and on the other hand, only the official maritime boundaries of the territorial sea, contiguous zone, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone published in the Spanish Gazette (BOE).
https://ideihm.covam.es/wms/limitesMAR (WMS)
https://ideihm.covam.es/wfs/limitesMAR (WFS)
DOWNLOAD link of the Maritime Boundaries in SHAPE format
  • WMS/WFS Exercise Areas – OF Chart- This service allows the display and download of “Military Exercise Areas” on the Spanish coast included in the OF paper chart. It includes air, amphibious, surface and submarine exercise zones.
https://ideihm.covam.es/wms/CartaOF (WMS)
https://ideihm.covam.es/wfs/CartaOF (WFS)
DOWNLOAD link of the Exercise Areas – OF Chart in SHAPE format
  • CSW of the Catalogue of Metadata of IHM – This search service or catalog allows to consult the metadata of services published in the IHM SDI as well as of the different features and dataset published by IHM.
https://ideihm.covam.es/geonetwork/srv/spa/csw?REQUEST=GetCapabilities&SERVICE=CSW (CSW)

Api to obtain tide prediction data.

Allows access to the data in the “Tide Tables” published by the Instituto Hidrográfico de la Marina (IHM). The objective of this API is to provide users with the possibility of embedding the IHM Tidal Prediction data in their web pages, documents or works by using an automated query service. The page allows to build intuitively step by step the url with the query to obtain the desired data.